I've Got This Thing

I have this thing with people.
Where friends or family from one group cannot mingle with another.
I call them "bubbles".
They can't cross.
These bubbles cannot cross.
I get anxiety GALORE!
I have this thing where having them cross results in ultimate destruction.
Some call this a "problem", some say "psychotic".
Define either words for me.
You'd see.
It's all a matter of opinion.
What does society think?
Because along with being given the power to assign cacaphonous connotations to words,
society has got their own thing where what they say apparently goes.
Therefore my little "thing" is a "problem."
Screw that,
and them.
Thank you very,very much.
Just an F.Y.I. Society,
you're going in your own bubble.
Don't feel special.

Mental Note: God loves my quirks. He made me this way.


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