Making My Peace

I've decided I love you
,but will never be like you.
I couldn't.
Don't have that in me
(and wouldn't want to either).

I see the children look up to you.
They trust you so much.
Believe you could move mountains,
and fly if you wanted to.

I see the children when you let them down.
Like their hopes they saw in you were destroyed.
Like you could have saved them,
and you chose not to.

I get furious all over again.
I remember that hurt.
Hurt as a child is worse than hurt when you're grown,
because it's so new.

I remember seeing kids during recess.
Laughing with their friends and living in a world
that I already knew didn't exist.
They probably thought they could fly.
Probably believed they could move mountains.
They believed anything they were told.

I decided I will never be like you.
When I say I'll be there,
there I will be.
When I promise to do something,
it's already done.

I couldn't stand to look at my child's face
and see the disappointment and hurt I have grown up with,
and continue to feel now
(though my skin is thicker now than then).

I could never ruin the innocence of a child's fantasy.
Or intentionally show them how to tear down love.
All I will do, is show the child every day of their life,
how to live, love, and believe that the sky is the limit,
and with God they can move mountains.

Mental note: God forgives you. So, forgive others. Learn to let go.


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