Insecurities Galore

Why is it so hard to believe we're beautiful?
Four of five bridesmaids can say you look beautiful in your wedding gown.
Hair pinned into a princess bun with one curl flowing solo by your ear.
Pearls draped across your neck, more makeup then you'll ever wear again in your lifetime.
Your white dress has boning that makes your waste look slender and sleek.
The kind of look ideal for a man's hands to rest while taking his first dance with his wife.
The dress has a poof just right and shoes sparkle and match the glowing smile.
Like Cinderella, you're ready to step into that room full of people and show how beautiful you are.
Your father kisses you on the cheek and wipes his "first tear in five years" off his face.
The man you love (who loves you to the moon and back) waits for you behind church doors, nervous, but confident.
Lined up before the doors open, you can't help but look at the one woman who said nothing to you.
Insecurities galore.
"Is there something wrong ? Do I not look pretty?"
Point proven.

Mental Note: To say you're not pretty means you think God messed up on you. Give yourself a break, you're beautiful because God makes no mistakes.


  1. Where are the "like" buttons on this page? Screw that. Where are the "ABSOLUTELY ADORE AND LOVE" buttons? You need one of them.


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