No Vacancy

Don't ask me how I'm doing if you don't care to know.
You won't break me, just pick up and take off-
Stop with the lingering.
Don't forget to pack your insecurities and put it in a box.
Write "just like me" in sharpie.
Take the coward way out and remind me why I didn't want to believe.
There's so little of me to offer, but you didn't have trouble taking it.
I was hesitant on opening up, but
Like travelers who've wiped their feet on my generosity,
Nomad, you've been blunt.
This isn't my style, and this isn't your thing.
I'm no one's regret.
No one's mistake.
Pick up and take off so I can pick up and move on.
I remember now why I've never believed.


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