Full Throttle

Brace yourself world!
I come full throttle.
Like a ninja warrior,
sneaky, assertive (but with a feminine style).
You might never see me coming.
You ambush with ninja stars of soul piercing heart ache,
or an occasional  bomb combusts into a ritual of disappointments.
However,I've been trained, and  your moves are predictable.
I see them coming like distant rain clouds.
I'm ready to look you in the eye,and tell you that you're weak.
For every event that appears bad in our lives,
there is an underlying good,
and you've done so well sweeping it under your rug of lies.
I can't help but smile.
I know that this annoys you world,
but my indestructible moves, make me undefeated.
While you've made your choice to go against man,
I've learned mankind is not  hopeless.
Watching you get angry brings me joy,
because you've sat and watched me suffer,
for as long as I can remember.
So now that I'm older,
you're not so skilled.
The student has surpassed the teacher.
I go against everything you trained me to feel.
Sorry to break it to ya toots, but I'm on hardcore woman.
Fifth degree.
The worse kind.

Mental Note: Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out alive. :)


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