A Note for Future Reference

As for mortals, their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. Psalm 103:15,16.

When I die, my memories should live on without me.

Don't let them die on my account.

The human shell that forms what defines me here on Earth will decompose.

Because it shouldn’t define me, it’s disposable.

My looks will blend with the soil, my hair will thin and become like hay,

but immortal me that resides in this soul will refuse to be forgotten.

I would never wish for loved ones to cry for me,

And they shouldn’t be allowed to wear black at my funeral.

Admire me for what I offer, my inner beauty.

What I’ve learned from death is that you cannot live your life passively.

I don't know what I'll be remembered for, but I will be remembered.

Joan of Arc was a martyr at nineteen.

Rosa Parks proved the word "no" can inspire a new era of thinking.

Emily Dickinson's sheltered poems have been an uplifting inspiration to aficionados.

I'm not sure what my accomplishments will be, but like them, I'll live wisely.

So that each day I live, eases the thought of death in the future.

I'll fulfill a purpose.

Touch souls I can reach, and never fear death.

Because death is never an excuse for the end and should never be feared.

From the hospital, a woman with cancer and six months to live, can be hit by a car and die.

A man who parachutes from the sky, staring death in the face, can live to be a hundred and six.

No one gets out of life alive.

So live each day intentionally.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Ignorance says yes, but who really decides?

Don't let yourself die a stranger to the world.

If you got something to offer, hand it over.

With every life, there is a purpose.

With every purpose, lies opportunities.

Take chances, make mistakes.

I promise the world will remember you for them.

Life is brief, uncertain, like a shadow, like a flower that blooms and fades, like a cloud… So teach me Lord to ‘count my days that I may gain a wise heart’ (Psalm 90:12).

Mental Note: Amen.


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